Quincuagesima septima colacion de grados banner promo
Congratulations on achieving your academic goals! Graduation activities include the following events:
  • Oath Ceremony for the Graduating Classes of the Health Professions, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 4:00 PM, Campus Theater
  • Ecumenical Graduation Service - June 14, 2023, in the Theater, according to the following schedule:
    • 4:00 PM for Technical Certificates, Nursing (AAS and BSN), Pharmacy Technicians (AAS) and Bachelor of Sciences (BS) graduating students
    • 7:00 PM for Other associate degrees, Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Doctorate graduating students.
  • Commencement Ceremony, Friday, June 16, 2023, 4:00 PM, Puerto Rico Convention Center 
Links to Livestream of Ecumenical Service.


Metro TV

Important dates for graduation
Date Activity
May 14, 2023 


May 26, 2023 

Last day of classes for a semester calendar. 



Last day of classes for trimester calendar. 

May 16-21, 2023 



May 27 – June 2, 2023 

Semester final exam period.


Trimester final exam period.

May 31 to June 12, 2023  Academic attire (cap, gown, etc.) pickup period.
June 13, 2023  Health Professions Oath Ceremony
June 14, 2023  Ecumenical Graduation Service
June 16, 2023  Graduation Ceremony


Graduation Honors at the Undergraduate Level
  • 3.25 a 3.49 Cum Laude 
  • 3.50 a 3.84 Magna Cum Laude 
  • 3.85 a 4.00 Summa Cum Laude 
Frequently Asked Questions 

Questions (Q) / Answer (A)

Q: How will I know if I graduate?
A: To know if you graduate, you should:

  • Request graduation using the forms provided for such purposes at: Office of the Registrar
  • Deliver the application at the Registrar's Office, located on the 3rd floor.

The graduation evaluation has a fee of $100.00 and will let you know the number of credits that you need to complete your academic goal. 

Q: Does the fee for the evaluation include academic attire?
A: In the case of undergraduate and graduate level (masters), yes. For the doctoral degree, their academic attire carries an additional cost, which is paid directly to the Bursar’s Office Bursar's Office

Q: Is there a dress code?
A: Yes, the event has a dress code for graduation ceremonies, given that it is a formal event. For more details refer to the letter: Instructions for Graduation Day

Q: Will I receive my diploma during graduation?
A: No, the diploma is delivered after graduation from the Registrar's Office.

Q: How many guests may I bring to the Oath Ceremony and to Ecumenical Service?
A: Up to two guests per graduating student.

Q: How many guests may I bring to graduation?
A: There is no limit.

Q: Is there a process to go through on graduation day?
A: Yes, you will go to the registration table to receive a card that you will present when you go up to the stage.

Q: When will the Health Professions Oath Ceremony be?
A: The Health Professions Oath Ceremony will be on June 13, 2023, at 4:00 pm, in the Theater.

Q: When will the Ecumenical Graduation Service be?
A: The Ecumenical Graduation Service will be on June 14, 2023, in the Theater, according to the following schedule:

  • 4:00 PM for Technical Certificates, Nursing (AAS and BSN), Pharmacy Technicians (AAS) and Bachelor of Sciences (BS) graduating students
  • 7:00 PM for Other associate degrees, Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Doctorate graduating students.

Q: When will the graduation be?
A: The graduation ceremonies will be on June 16, 2023, at 4:00 pm, at the Puerto Rico Convention Center.

Q: Is it necessary to bring some kind of ticket office or invitation for the graduation events?
A: The invitation is not necessary for any of the events. However, for the Ecumenical Graduation Service and for the Oath Ceremony, up 2 tickets will be issued per graduating student.

People link of interest
Person Phone Email 
Dra. Carmen Oquendo (Dean of Students)  787-250-1912 x 2115  coquendo@metro.inter.edu 
Lcda. Jennifer Diaz (Associate Dean of Students)  787-250-1912 x 2127  jenniferdiaz@intermetro.edu
Mildred Sáez  787-250-1912 x 2277  msaez@metro.inter.edu 
Jorge Ortiz   787-250-1912 x 2398  jortiz@metro.inter.edu 