Bachillerato en Biología (180) | Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Recinto Metro

Bachillerato en Biología (180)


Efectivo a partir de: julio 2018


Número de Identificación:

Credits Information
Information Credits
 General Education Requirements: 42
Major Requirements: 36
Related Requirements: 29-30
Prescribed Distributive Requirements: 12
Elective Courses: 3
TOTAL: 122-123

In the English curriculum the student will take one of the following sequences, according to PAA score:

Level 1 – Basic: 440 or less (GEEN 1101-1102-1103)

Level 2 - Intermediate: 441-580 (GEEN 1201-1202-1203)

Level 3 – Advanced: 581 or more (GEEN 2311-2312-2313)

Students are exempt to take GEMA 1200 course if a score of 520 or higher is obtained on the Math section of the PAA test.

*Students can take MATH 1500 Precalculus (5 credits) instead



First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
GEIC 1010 Information and Computing Technologies 3
GEMA 1200 Fundamentals of Algebra 3
GEEN English I (1101,1201 or 2311) 3
GESP 1101 Literature and Communication: Narrative and Poetry 3
BIOL 1101 General Biology I 3 Concurrent with BIOL 1103
BIOL 1103 Biology Skills Laboratory I 1 Concurrent with BIOL 1101


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
MATH 1511* Precalculus I 3 GEMA 1200
BIOL 1102 General Biology II 3 BIOL 1101/1103 Concurrent with 1104
BIOL 1104 Biology Skills Laboratory II 1 BIOL 1101/1103 Concurrent with 1102
GEEN English (1102,1202 or 2312) 3 GEEN 1101, 1201 or 2311
GESP 1102 Literature and Communication: Essay and Theater 3 GESP 1101
GEHS 2010 Historical Process of Contemporary Puerto Rico 3


First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
GESP 2203 Literature and World View 3 GESP 1102
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I 4 GEMA 1200 Concurrent with Lab
GEEN English III(1103,1203 or 2313) 3 GEEN 1102, 1202 or 2312
MATH 1512* Precalculus II 3 MATH 1511
BIOL 2103 Zoology 3 BIOL 1102, 1 Concurrent with Lab104


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
CHEM 2212 General Chemistry II 4 MATH 1500 or 1511 CHEM 1111 Concurrent with Lab
GEPE 3010
GEPE 3020
GEPE 3030
One of the following:
Art Appreciation
Music Appreciation
Teather Appreciation
BIOL 2104 Botany 3 BIOL 1102, 1104 CHEM 1111 Concurrent with Lab
BIOL 2153 Biostatistics 3 BIOL 1102
MATH 1500
GECF Introduction to the Christian Faith 3


First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Nota
GEHS 3020
GEHS 3050
GEHS 4020
GEHS 4030
One of the following:
Global Society
Human Formation. Society and Culture
Ancient and Medieval Western Civilization
Modern and Contemporary Western Civilization
3 CHEM 2212 Concurrent with Lab
CHEM 2221 Organic Chemistry I 4 CHEM 2212
BIOL 3105 General Microbiology 4 BIOL 1102, 1104, CHEM 1111 Concurrent with Lab
GEEC 2000 Entrepreneurial  Culture 3
Prescribe Distributive Course 3


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
BIOL 3010 Genetics 3 GEMA 1200, BIOL 1102
CHEM 2222 Organic Chemistry II 4 CHEM 2221 Concurrent with Lab
Prescribe Distributive Course 3
Elective Course 3
GEPE 4040 Ethics and Social Responsability 3


First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
BIOL 3106 Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 BIOL 1102, 1104
PHYS 3001 General Physics I 4 MATH 1511, 1512 or MATH 1500 Concurrent with Lab
BIOL 3503 Ecology 3 BIOL 2103, BIOL 2104 Concurrent with Lab
Prescibe Distributive Course 3


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
PHYS 3002 General Physics II 4 PHYS 3001, Concurrent with Lab
BIOL 4604 Cellular and Molecular Biology 3 BIOL 3010, CHEM 2221
BIOL 4605 Cellular and Molecular Skills Laboratory 2 BIOL 2153, BIOL 3105, CHEM 2221 Concurrent with Lab
Prescribe Distributive Course 3
Prescribed Distributive Requirements: 12 Credits
Code Title Cr. Prerequisites
BIOL 2800 Astrology 3
BIOL 3100 Foundation of Animal Science 3 BIOL 2103, BIOL 3010
BIOL 3200 Foundation of Animal Nutrition 3 BIOL 3100
BIOL 3213 Parasitology 3 BIOL 2103
BIOL 3214 Entomology 3 BIOL 2103
BIOL 3216 Animal Behavior 3 BIOL 2103
BIOL 3219 Biology of the Invertebrates 3 BIOL 2103
BIOL 3309 Food Microbiology 3 BIOL 3105
BIOL 3405 Immunology (Concurrent with Lab) 3 BIOL 3105
BIOL 3504 Environmental Health 3 BIOL 3105, GEMA 1200
BIOL 3505 Environmental Laws, Policies and Regulations 3 BIOL 3504
Table 2 
Code Title Cr. Prerequisites
BIOL 3904 Toxicology 3 BIOL 2106, CHEM 2222
BIOL 4105 Fundamentals of Geographics Information System (GIS) 3
BIOL 4109 General Psysiology 3 BIOL 2103, CHEM 2212
BIOL 4303 Mycology 3 BIOL 3105
BIOL 4304 Medical Mycology 3 BIOL 3105
BIOL 4305 Medical Microbiology 3 BIOL 3105
BIOL 4306 Virology 3 BIOL 3105, BIOL 3010
BIOL 4307 Micro Tecniques 2 BIOL 3106
BIOL 4403 Evolution 3 BIOL 3010
BIOL 4405 Embryology 3 BIOL 3106, or BMSC 3012
BIOL 44o7 Human Anatomy 3 BIOL 2103
Table 3
Code Title Cr. Prerequisites
BIOL 4433 Industrial Microbiology 3 BIOL 3105, CHEM 2212
BIOL 4494 Pharmacology 3 BIOL 3106, BMSC 3012, CHEM 2222
BIOL 4503 Conservation and Management of Natural Resources 3 BIOL 3503
BIOL 4600 Histology 3 BIOL 3106
BIOL 4905 Pathology 3 BIOL 3106 or 4407 or BMSC 3012
BIOL 4909 Public Health 3 BIOL 4907
BIOL 4912 Practicum in Biology 3
BIOL 4953 Research Methods 3 30 credits approved in Biology
BIOL 4955 Integrating Seminar 3 30 credits approved in Biology
BIOL 4960 Bioethics 3 90 credits approved
MATH 2251 Calculus I 5 MATH 1500


  • Students of this Program are exempt from the Scientific and Technological Context category (GEST 2020 or GEST 3030) and Health of Quality of Life (GEHP 3000).
  • Students interested in taking courses in foreing languages, such as French, Portuguese, Italian German, and Mandarin, among others, may take two courses (6-8) credits as part of their general academic training. These courses will be replaced by six(6) credits of GEP presribed courses, specifically: three (3) of the Philosophical and Aesthetic Thought category and three (3) of the Historical and Social Context category.
  • Students must obtain a mínimum grade of C in the Biology Courses (BIOL) that are part of the Major Requirements and the Prescribed Distributive Requirements for the Bachelor os Sciences in Biology.

Revised: July 2021 due to calendar change