Bachillerato en Ciencias Biomédicas (263)


Efectivo a partir de: julio 2021


Número de Identificación:

Credits Information
Information Credits
 General Education Requirements: 45
Major Requirements: 56
Prescribed Distributive Requirements: 12
Elective Courses: 6
TOTAL: 119

In the English curriculum the student will take one of the following sequences, according to PAA score:

Level 1 – Basic: 440 or less (GEEN 1101-1102-1103)

Level 2 - Intermediate: 441-580 (GEEN 1201-1202-1203)

Level 3 – Advanced: 581 or more (GEEN 2311-2312-2313)

Students are exempt to take GEMA 1200 course if a score of 520 or higher is obtained on the Math section of the PAA test.

*Students can take MATH 1500 Precalculus (5 credits) instead



First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
GESP 1101 Literature and Communication: Narrative and Essay 3
GEEN English I (1101,1201 or 2311) 3
GEMA 1200 Fundamentals of Algebra 3
GEIC 1010 Information and Computing Technologies 3
BIOL 1101 General Biology I 3 Concurrent with BIOL 1103
BIOL 1103 Biology Skills Laboratory I 1 Concurrent with BIOL 1101


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
GESP 1102 Literature and Communication: Essay and Theater 3 GESP 1101
GEEN English (1102,1202 or 2312) 3 GEEN 1101, 1201 or 2311
MATH 1511* Precalculus I 3 GEMA 1200
BIOL 1102 General Biology II 3 BIOL 1101/1103 Concurrent with 1104
BIOL 1104 Biology Skills Laboratory II 1 BIOL 1101/1103 Concurrent with 1102
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I 4


First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
MATH 1512* Precalculus II 3 MATH 1511
GESP 2203 Literature and World View 4 GESP 1102
GEEN English III(1103,1203 or 2313) 3 GEEN 1102, 1202 or 2312
BMSC 2210 Human Genetics 3
CHEM 2212 General Chemistry II 4 CHEM 1111, MATH 1512 Concurrent with Lab


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
GEHS 2010 Historical Process of Contemporary Puerto Rico 3
GEEC 2000 Entreprenurial Culture 3
CHEM 2221 Organic Chemistry I 4 CHEM 2212 Concurrent with Lab
BIOL 3105 General Microbiology 4 BIOL 1102 / 1104 CHEM 1111 Concurrent Lab


First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Nota
GEPE 3010
GEPE 3020
GEPE 3030
One of the following:
Art Appreciation
Music Appreciation
Teater Appreciation
Prescribed Distributive Course 3
BMSC 3011 Anatomy and Human Physiology I 3 BIOL 1102 Concurrent with Lab
CHEM 2222 Organic Chesmistry II 4 CHEM 2221 Concurrent with Lab
PHYS 3001 General Physics I 4 MATH 1500 or MATH 1511 / 1512 Concurrent with Lab


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
GECF 1010 Introduction to Christian Faith 3
GEPE 4040 Ethics and Social Responsability 3
BMSC 3012 Anatomy and Human Physiology II 3 BMSC 3011 Concurrent with Lab
PHYS 3002 General Physics II 4 PHYS 30001 Concurrent with Lab


First Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
GEHS 3020
GEHS 3050
GEHS 4020
GEHS 4030
One of the following
Global Society
Human Formation, Society and Culture
Ancient and Medieval Western Civilization
Modern and Contemporary Western Civilization
GEHP 3000 Integral Health and Quality of Life 3
Prescribed Distributive Course 3
BMSC 4015 Biochemistry of Human Physiology 3 CHEM 2222
Elective Course 3


Second Semester
Code Course Title Credits Prerequisites Note
BMSC 4020 Biomedical Ethics 3 24 credits approved in Biomedical Science area
Prescribed Distributive Course
Prescribed Distributive Course 2 BIOL 2153, BIOL 3105, CHEM 2221 Concurrent with Lab
Elective Course 3
Prescribed Distributive Requirements: 12 Credits
Code Title Cr. Prerequisites
BIOL 2153 Biostatistics 3 MATH 1512, BIOL 1102
BIOL 3405 Immunology 3 BIOL 3105 Concurrent with Lab
BIOL 4305 Medical Microbiology 3 BIOL 3105
BIOL 4405 Embryology 3 BIOL 3106 or BMSC 3012
BIOL 4494 Pharmacology 3 BIOL 3106 or BMSC 3012, CHEM 2222
BIOL 4604 Celular and Molecular Biology 3 BIOL 3010, CHEM 2221
BIOL 4905 Pathology 3 BIOL 3106 or BIOL 4407 or BMSC 3012
CHEM 3320 Analytical Chemistry 4 CHEM 2212 Concurrent with Lab
ENGL 2076 Reading and Writing in Technical Texts
ENGL 3030 Technical-Scientific Writing in Science 3
MATH 2251 Calculus I 5 MATH 1500


  • -Students must have a minimum point average of 2.50.
  • Students of this Program are exempt from the Scientific and Technological Context category (GEST 2020 or GEST 3030).
  • Students of this Program must pass all Biomedical Sciences (BMSC) courses and the course MATH 1500 with a minimum grade of C.
  • Students interested in taking courses in foreing languages, such as French, Portuguese, Italian German, and Mandarin, among others, may take two courses (6-8) credits as part of their general academic training. These courses will be replaced by six(6) credits of GEP presribed courses, specifically: three (3) of the Philosophical and Aesthetic Thought category and three (3) of the Historical and Social Context category.

Revised: July 2021 due to calendar change