The CDE’s responsibilities are divided into four mayor areas: faculty and curriculum, students, alliances and research. The CDE organized and execute workshops, lectures and other activities directed to capacitate faculty and non-faculty members in the art of entrepreneurship. The Director of the CDE is also member of the Institutional Committee in charge of the entrepreneurship curriculum revision. The other three areas include (a) planning, execution and integration of students in entrepreneurial activities and initiatives, (b) developing and strengthening strategic alliances with companies, professional organizations, public agencies and education institutions, and (c) researching ideas and gathering markets, industries and companies information.

Faculty and Non-faculty Development and Curriculum Revision
To design and organize lectures and workshops, and special projects directed to capacitate faculty and non-faculty members, on entrepreneurial development and to revise the entrepreneurship curriculum.



Students Activities

To coordinate and execute students’ activities, strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit among local and international students, professors, administration and the community.



Strategic Alliances

To develop professional relationships and “networking” activities with the purpose of integrating entrepreneurs, organizations and private enterprise to the CDE’s entrepreneurial efforts





Research and Information

To collect information and perform research related to local entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial students inside the campus, to develop business ideas, educational materials and presentations on the entrepreneurship concept.